What Happens Before?
Before you made the decision to put your pet down, you gave it a lot of thought. It is the kind of decision that is always made with great deliberation and soul-searching, even sometimes with guilt. The most important consideration was to know that you were doing the right thing at the right time and that you were not ending your pet’s life too soon, or ending it just because you wanted it to end. For conditions like terminal cancer or heart failure there is no question or option. However, there are many chronic, debilitating diseases that cause a slow but steady decline and loss of quality of life. That poor quality of life may not always be with the animal. The guardian caregiver can suffer just as much, especially when dealing with conditions such as an incontinent or recumbent pet. In fact, sometimes, the pet may not even be in a lot of pain. For instance, it may have controlled arthritis, dementia and incontinence. That is a sanitation and quality of life issue.
Another geriatric pet may have a chronic, intractable skin disorder that has resulted in a sanitation problem. There may be toddlers in the home exposed to the dog. These situations would be thoroughly and carefully discussed before moving forward with any euthanasia decision. However, there will come a time that you will know, without a doubt in your heart, that the time is right and that the decision is humane.
Pet hospice counseling does not always end with home euthanasia. Some clients elect not to euthanize for religious or personal reasons. I will most certainly honor this decision. I will assist in the death process by offering pain control and emotional support as requested by the family.
What Happens Next?
After your pet has been euthanized, you may take all the time you want to say goodbye to your pet. This is very important for closure. These are very private moments for you and your loved ones, including other pets. Then your pet’s body will be wrapped in towels and blankets and prepared for transport. You are not expected to help with this process, but ifyou wish to do so, just let us know. The body will be transported to Takoma Park Animal Clinic for pick up by Valley Pet Cemetery Cremation Services. You have the option of a private cremation if desired. We will notify you when the cremains have been delivered.